Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire

Many Pokemon fans already know, but just to tell everyone again (or to tell you for the first time) and to tell you some of the great features, the Ruby and Sapphire versions have come out!  I have it and there are some great special features.  Let's see.  There are MUCH better graphics. The weather changes, it is in full color, there's reflections in the water, and plus, there's shadows. Also, there are extra options. You can be a boy or a girl, you can do 2 vs. 2 battles, and you can have a SECRET BASE!  Another feature is that there are new Pokemon. (DUH!) There are 135 New Pokemon, and 386 Pokemon total. That means more of a challenge to catch 'em all right? I know that while all of you who are reading this and don't already know what I'm getting to are probably thinking 'How am I ever going to catch 'em all?" but don't worry at all. Unless the Pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire are harder to catch or evolve (which they're not), its harder to catch all of the Pokemon in the Gold/Silver/Crystal versions than the Ruby/Sapphire versions. Now to tell you why. It's actually very simple. Only 200 out of the 386 Pokemon can be caught in Ruby/Sapphire, and there are 251 to get in Gold/Silver/Crystal, counting Celebi. I can't name the 186 Pokemon that they left out, but I will tell you awful news (at least to me). The starter Pokemon in Red/Blue and Gold/Silver/Crystal cannot be caught or gotten in any event that I know of so far in the Ruby/Sapphire (I didn't say yellow because Pikachu can be gotten). In fact, MOST of the Pokemon in Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal versions can't be gotten in the Ruby/Sapphire versions. When I heard this I was like ,"This is so unfair!"  In fact, only 47 of the 151 Pokemon in Red/Blue/Yellow can be gotten in Ruby/Sapphire!  Only 20 of the 99 Newer Pokemon in Gold/Silver/Crystal can be caught in Ruby/Sapphire.  I am not completely sure if you can trade or not between Ruby/Sapphire and the old versions, so don't get your hopes up but don't be all angry because I haven't tried it yet.  Now as I was saying before, there are all new Pokemon. Now when you are playing the Ruby/Sapphire version, the first really new Pokemon you see is a Poochyena. It is attacking Professor Birch, who asks you to please help him. You take a Pokemon from his bag (Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip) and defeat the level 2 Poochyena. However, there are lots of rare Pokemon that can only be caught once. I will list them with a slash between them if one is caught in one version and the other is caught in the other version.  I will color code the words, so if the word is about half red and half blue,  they can be caught in both.  However, a solid Red colored one is only in Ruby, and blue is only in Sapphire.  The Pokemon are Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias/Latios, Groudon/Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Now, since I did not tell you about all of the features, I will tell you now. there are Pokemon contests, new TM's and HM's, special abilities, and Pokeblocks.  
