Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon

    Here I will put every New Pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire, as well as the old ones that are in it.  I think these are all, but I am not completely sure.  I will give the name, pronunciation, a description, an evolution level, and their special abilities.  All of the Pokemon won't be up for a long time.  But if you look at my descriptions, some say something of the sort, "A purple moon with a skull painted on it."  That doesn't mean that's truly what it is, but it means  that it looks like a purple moon with a skull painted on it. 

1: Treecko (tree-ko)
Type: Grass
Desc: A weird looking Lizard/Gecko.  Light Green with a Long, Dark green tail and a Pinkish belly.
Evolves: Grovyle lv 16
Ability: Overgrow

2: Grovyle (Gra-vay-el)
Type: Grass
Desc: Green a little darker than Treecko's, has leaves hanging off as a tail and leaves hanging off his arms.  Long strips of grass on Grovyle's head make it look like he has hair.  2nd form in the Treecko Family.
Evolves: Sceptile lv 36
Ability: Overgrow

3: Sceptile (Scep-tyle)
Type: Grass
Desc: Green same color as Grovyle's.  Pinkish Strip under belly.  Long, claw looking fingers.  Yellow dots on back.  Long Fern as tail.  3rd form in Treecko Family.
Evolves: Sceptile doesn't evolve
Ability: Overgrow

4: Torchic (Tor-chik)
Type: Fire/Flying
Desc: Small, orange chick with yellow wings and a spiky yellow "hairdo".
Evolves: Combusken lv 16
Ability: Blaze

5: Combusken (Cum-bus-ken)
Type: Fire/Fighting
Desc: Yellow and red with spiky red "hairdo'.  2nd form in the Torchic family.  Looks like a completely mad rooster.
Evolves: Blaziken lv 36
Ability: Blaze

6:Blaziken (Blay-zi-ken)
Type: Fire/Fighting
Desc: Looks like a completely mad rooster/human with long brown hair, yellow and red "pants", and red face.  3rd form in the Torchic family.
Evolves: Blaziken doesn't evolve
Ability: Blaze

7:Mudkip (Mud-kip)
Type: Water
Desc: Blue dog/fish with spiky orange things as cheeks,(it helps them breathe underwater)a blue fin on it's head, and a white tail.
Evolves: Marshstomp lv 16
Ability: Torrent

8:Marshstomp (Marsh-stomp)
Type: Water/Ground
Desc: Mudkip, except it stands on 2 legs, his hands are gigantic, and the blue is lighter.  He is the 2nd form in the Mudkip family.
Evolves: Swampert lv 36
Ability: Torrent

9: Swampert (swom-pert)
Type: Water/Ground
Desc: Mudkip, except is bigger and has 2 black fins on his head.  3rd form in the Mudkip family.
Evolves: Swampert doesn't evolve
Ability: Torrent

10: Poochyena (Poo-chay-na)
Type: Dark
Desc: Small, angry-looking, gray puppy.
Evolves: Mightyena lv 18
Ability: Run Away

11: Mightyena (My-tee-na)
Type: Dark
Desc: A larger, meaner-looking, darker, Poochyena.  2nd form in the Poochyena family.
Evolves: Mightyena doesn't evolve
Ability: Intimidate

12: Zigzagoon (Zig-za-goon)
Type: Normal
Desc: A zigzaggy raccoon.
Evolves: Linoone lv 20
Ability: Pickup

Type: Normal
Desc:  Zigzagoon with lighter fur, flattened fur, and less brown.  2nd form in the Zigzagoon family.
Evolves: Linoone doesn't evolve
Ability: Pickup

Type: Bug
Desc: Red worm with spike on head and spikes on it's rump.
Evolves: Cascoon/Silcoon* lv 7
*Wurmple, very interestingly, evolves into certain forms depending on Night/Day.
Ability: Shield Dust

15:Silcoon (Sill-coon)
Type: Bug
Desc: A white, spiky cocoon with eyes only.  2nd form in the Wurmple#1 family.
Evolves: Beautifly lv 10
Ability: Shed Skin 

16: Beautifly (Byu-ti-fli)
Type: Bug/Flying
Desc: A yellow, blue, brown, black, and tan Butterfly.  3rd form in the Wurmple#1 family
Evolves: Beautifly doesn't evolve
Ability: Swarm

17:Cascoon (Cas-coon)
Type: Bug
Desc: A Purple, spiky cocoon with eyes only.  2nd form in the Wurmple#2 family.
Evolves: Dustox lv 10
Ability: Shed Skin

18: Dustox (Dus-tocks)
Type: Bug/Poison
Desc: A green, red, purple, and yellow moth.  3rd form in the Wurmple#2 family.
Evolves: Dustox doesn't evolve
Ability: Shield Dust

19: Lotad (Low-tad)
Type: Grass/Water
Desc: Dark Blue, flat tadpole with a lily pad on its head and 4 legs.
Evolves: Lombre lv 14
Ability: Swift Swim/Rain Dish
20: Lombre (Lom-bray) 
Type: Grass/Water
Desc: Lotad with lighter blue and 2 arms and 2 legs.
Evolves: Ludicolo Water Stone
Swift Swim/Rain Dish

21:Ludicolo (loo-dee-co-low)
Type: Grass/Water
Desc: Lombre except yellow and green, not light blue, and has pink zigzags, green arms and legs and flower coming out of the lily pad.
Evolves: Ludicolo doesn't evolve
Swift Swim/Rain Dish

22:Seedot (See-dot)
Type: Grass
Desc: Brown Acorn with eyes and feet.
Evolves: Nuzleaf lv 14
Ability: Chlorophyll/Early Bird

23: Nuzleaf (Nuz-leef)
Type: Grass/Dark
Desc: An ugly person with a tan mask, brown body, tan knees, a Pinocchio nose, and a leaf atop its head.
Evolves: Shiftry Leaf Stone
Ability: Chlorophyll/Early Bird

24:Shiftry (Shif-tree)
Type: Grass/Dark
Desc: Brown body, white, furry "cape" that goes over it's head, Pinocchio nose, and leaves as hands.
Evolves: Shiftry doesn't evolve
Ability: Chlorophyll/Early Bird

25:Taillow (Tay-low)
Type: Normal/Flying
Desc: Blue bird with red head and upper breast, lower breast white.
Evolves: Swellow lv 22
Ability: Guts

26: Swellow (Swell- oh)
Type: Normal/Flying
Desc: Taillow except larger.
Evolves: Swellow doesn't evolve
Ability: Guts

27:Wingull (Win-gull)
Type: Water/Flying
Desc: A seagull with blue stripes on it's wings.
Evolves: Pelipper lv 25
Ability: Keen Eye

28:Pelipper (Pel-i-purr)
Type: Water/Flying
Desc: A Pelican with Blue tipped wings.
Evolves: Pelipper doesn't evolve
Ability: Keen Eye

29:Ralts (Rallts)
Type: Grass/Fighting
Desc: Green haired, white skinned girl with a white dress and pink Spikes in the front and in the back of it's hair.
Evolves: Kirlia lv 20
Ability: Trace/Synchronize

30:Kirlia (Cur-lee-a)
Type: Grass/Fighting
Desc: Long, green hair with pink spikes on the sides.  White "Tu-Tu" dress and has Green Spike things to make up this Pokemon's feet, but makes it look like a top.
Evolves: Gardevoir lv 30
Ability: Synchronize/Trace

31: Gardevoir (Gar-de-vua)
Type: Grass/Fighting
Desc: Kirlia with no visible feet, and no spikes at all.  Also quite large.
Evolves: Gardevoir doesn't evolve
Ability: Synchronize/Trace

32:Surskit (Ser-skit)
Type: Water/Bug
Desc: Blue and yellow rosy cheeked water spider.
Evolves: Masqueraine lv 22
Ability: Swift Swim

33:Masqueraine (Mas-ker-ayne)
Type: Bug/Flying
Desc: Weird Butterfly thing.
Evolves: Masqueraine doesn't evolve
Ability: Intimidate

34:Shroomish (Shroo-mish)
Type: Bug/Poison
Desc: A tan and Green-spotted Plant with a face.
Evolves: Breloom lv 23
Ability: Effect Spore

35: Breloom (Bray-loom)
Type: Grass/Poison
Desc: A tall, Green/Red/Tan Mushroom with eyes, a mouth, and a tail.
Evolves: Breloom doesn't evolve
Ability: Effect Spore

36: Slakoth (Slay-kawth)
Type: Normal
Desc: a Brown/Tan bear lying on it's belly with a paw on its head.
Evolves: Vigoroth lv 18
Ability: Truant

37: Vigoroth (Vi-goh-rawth)
Type: Normal
Desc: A red-topped bear viciously slashing.
Evolves: Slaking lv 36
Ability: Vital Spirit

38: Slaking (Slay-king)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Dark Brown lying down Pig/Bear.  Loafs around in battle no matter how many badges you have.
Evolves: Slaking doesn't evolve
Ability: Truant

39: Abra (A-bra)
Type: Psychic
Desc: A yellow/Brown Skeleton/Cat that's sitting.
Evolves: Kadabra lv 16
Ability: Synchronize/Inner Focus

40: Kadabra (Ka-da-bra)
Type: Psychic
Desc: Abra, except is standing, has a spoon, and has a star on it's forehead.
Evolves: Alakazam Trade
Ability: Synchronize/Inner Focus

41: Alakazam (Al-a-ka-zam)
Type: Psychic
Desc: Kadabra except no star, and has 2 spoons.
Evolves: Alakazam doesn't evolve
Ability: Synchronize/Inner Focus

42: Nincada (Nin-ka-da)
Type: Bug
Desc: A tan Grasshopper.
Evolves: Ninjask lv 20
Ability: Compoundeyes

43: Ninjask (Nin-Jask)
Type: Bug/Flying
Desc: A flying Beetle with Gold plates on it's head.
Evolves: Shedinja  When Nincada evolves into Ninjask on level 20, if you have an extra space for a Pokemon in your belt and a spare Pokéball, you will find Shedinja in your Pocket. 
Ability: Speed Boost

44: Shedinja (She-din-ja)
Type: Ghost/Bug
Desc: A brown, weird flying bug with a halo over it's head.  On level 20, this Pokemon has 1 HP only, but it's Ability Allows it to dodge all but 'Super effective' hits.
Evolve: Shedinja doesn't evolve
Ability: Wonder Guard

45: Whismir (Wiz-mer)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Pink rabbit.
Evolves: Loudred lv 20
Ability: Soundproof

46: Loudred (Lou-dread)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Purple, yelling, monster with 2 things coming off like frog-eyes.
Evolves: Exploud lv 40
Ability: Soundproof

47: Exploud (X-plowed)
Type: Normal
Desc: Loudred with no Frog-eyes.
Evolves: Exploud doesn't evolve
Ability: Soundproof

48: Makuhita (Ma-koo-he-ta)
Type: Fighting
Desc: Looks like a person that got some kind of yellow cloth tied on to it.
Evolves: Hariyama lv 24
Ability: Thick Fat/Guts

49: Hariyama (Har-i-yah-mah)
Type: Fighting
Desc: A brown/black/white monster with a yellow skirt and blue sweatpants.
Evolves: Hariyama doesn't evolve
Ability: Thick Fat/Guts

50:Goldeen (Goal-dean)
Type: Water
Desc: A pink Tropical fish with a horn.
Evolves: Seaking lv 33
Ability: Swift Swim/Water Veil

51: Seaking (See-king)
Type: Water
Desc: A Dark Pink/White/Black spotted Tropical fish with a horn.
Evolves: Seaking doesn't evolve
Ability: Swift Swim/Water Veil

52: Magikarp (Ma-ji-karp)
Type: Water
Desc: A red fish.
Evolves: Gyarados lv 20
Ability: Swift Swim

53: Gyarados (Gair-a-dos)
Type: Water/Flying
Desc: A huge, blue snake/fish.
Evolves: Gyarados doesn't evolve
Ability: Intimidate

54:Azurill (Ah-zoo-rill)
Type: Water
Desc: A small, blue mouse with a ball on the end of it's tail as big as it's body.
Evolves: Marill Friendly evolution
Ability: Thick Fat/Huge Power

55: Marill (Mair-rill)
Type: Water
Desc: Azurill except  bigger, has white belly, and tail is smaller.
Evolves: Azumarill lv 18
Ability: Thick Fat/Huge Power

56: Azumarill (Ah-zoo-mair-ill)
Type: Water
Desc: Marill except bigger, has white spots, looks like a rabbit, and tail is smaller.
Evolves: Azumarill doesn't evolve
Ability: Thick Fat/Huge Power

57: Geodude (Jee-oh-dood)
Type: Rock/Ground
Desc: A small rock with arms.
Evolves: Graveller lv 25
Ability: Rock Head/Sturdy

58: Graveller (Gra-vel-er)
Type: Rock/Ground
Desc: A Medium rock with 4 arms and 2 legs.
Evolves: Golem trade
Ability: Rock Head/Sturdy

59: Golem (Goh-lem)
Type: Rock/Ground
Desc: A rock turtle
Evolves: Golem doesn't evolve
Ability: Rock Head/Sturdy

60: Nosepass (Nohs-pass)
Type: Rock
Desc: A purple statue-looking monster with a big magenta nose.
Evolves: Nosepass doesn't evolve
Ability: Sturdy/Magnet Pull

61: Skitty (Ski-tee)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Pink/yellow cat with weird wire/strings with yellow balls on it on it's tail.
Evolves: Delcatty Moon Stone
Ability: Cute Charm

62: Delcatty (Dell-ca-tee)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Purple/yellow-orange cat with a purple fur boa around it's neck.
Evolves: Delcatty doesn't evolve
Ability: Cute Charm

63: Zubat (Zoo-bat)
Type: Poison/Flying
Desc: A blue bat with no eyes.
Evolves: Golbat lv 22
Ability: Inner Focus

64: Golbat (Goal-bat)
Type: Poison/Flying
Desc: A Blue bat with eyes and a big mouth.
Evolves: Crobat Friendly Evolution
Ability: Inner Focus

65: Crobat (Croa-bat)
Type: Poison/Flying
Desc: A purple Zubat with eyes.
Evolves: Crobat doesn't evolve
Ability:  Inner Focus

66: Tentacool (Ten-ta-cool)
Type: Water/Poison
Desc: A blue jellyfish with 2 tentacles and 3 red 'gems' on it.
Evolves: Tentacruel lv 30
Ability: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze

67: Tentacruel (Ten-ta-crooel)
Type: Water/Poison
Desc: Tentacool except bigger and has many more tentacles.
Evolves: Tentacruel doesn't evolve
Ability: Clear Body/Liquid Ooze

68: Sableye (Sab-lie)
Type: Dark/Ghost
Desc: A Purple monster with Sapphire eyes and a ruby on it's chest.
Evolves: Sableye doesn't evolve
Ability:  Keen Eye

69: Mawile (Maw-ile)
Type: Steel
Desc: A person dressed in yellow with big brown jaws.
Evolves: Mawile doesn't evolve
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Intimidate

70: Aron (Ay- ron)
Type: Steel/Rock
Desc: A gray dog.
Evolves: Lairon lv 32
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head

71: Lairon (Lay-ron)
Type: Steel/Rock
Desc: A gray Stegosaurus
Evolves: Aggron lv 42
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head

72: Aggron (Ag-ron)
Type: Steel/Rock
Desc: A brown, horned monster with some gray.
Evolves: Aggron doesn't evolve
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head

73: Machop (Ma-chahp)
Type: Fighting
Desc: A gray, weird monster.
Evolves: Machoke lv 28
Ability: Guts

74: Machoke (Ma-cohk)
Type: Fighting
Desc: Machop except bigger and has red slashes on it's arm.
Evolves: Machamp Trade
Ability: Guts

75: Machamp (Ma-champ)
Type: Fighting
Desc: Machoke, except has 4 arms.
Evolves: Machamp doesn't evolve
Ability: Guts

76: Meditite (Meh-dih-tite)
Type: Fighting
Desc: A tan monster with blue clothes and is meditating.
Evolves: Medicham lv 37
Ability: Pure Power

77: Medicham (Meh-dih-cham)
Type: Fighting
Desc: A brown monster with red pants and a red bandana.
Evolves: Medicham doesn't evolve
Ability: Pure Power 

78: Electrike (Uh-lek-tryke)
Type: Electric
Desc: A Green and yellow baby triceratops.
Evolves: Manectric lv 26
Ability: Static/Lightningrod

79: Manectric (Mah-nek-trik)
Type: Electric
Desc: A blue dog with yellow spiky stuff in random places.
Evolves: Manectric doesn't evolve
Ability: Static/Lightningrod
80: Plusle (Pluh-sull)
Type: Electric
Desc: A Yellow and red Pichu with plus signs in a few places (see #155 for Pichu Desc).
Evolves: Plusle doesn't evolve
Ability: Plus

81: Minun (My-nun)
Type: Electric
Desc: A Yellow and Blue Pichu with Minus signs in a few places(see #155 for  Pichu Desc).
Evolves: Minun doesn't evolve
Ability: Minus

82: Magnemite (Mahg-na-miet)
Type: Steel/Electric
Desc: A Metal ball with nails and big magnets coming out of it.
Evolves: Magneton lv 30
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy

83: Magneton (Mahg-na-ton)
Type: Electric/Steel
Desc: 3 Magnemites put together(see #82 for Magnemite Desc).
Evolves: Magneton doesn't evolve
Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy

84: Voltorb (Vohl-torb)
Type: Electric
Desc: A ball with the top red and the bottom white.
Evolves: Electrode lv 30
Ability:  Soundproof/Static

85: Electrode (Ee-lek-trohd)
Type: Electric
Desc: An upside-down Voltorb.
Evolves: Electrode doesn't evolve
Ability: Soundproof/Static

86:Volbeat (Vohl-beet)
Type: Bug
Desc: A red, purple, black, and yellow bee.
Evolves: Volbeat doesn't evolve
Ability: Illuminate/Swarm

87: Illumise (Ill-oo-meyz)
Type: Bug
Desc: A Volbeat except blue instead of red.
Evolves: Illumise doesn't evolve
Ability: Oblivious

88: Oddish (Ah-dish)
Type: Grass/Poison
Desc: A blue seed with feet, a mouth, and eyes with leaves on top of it.
Evolves: Gloom lv 21
Ability: Chlorophyll

89: Gloom (Gloom)
Type: Grass/Poison
Desc: An Oddish with hands and a flower bud instead of leaves.
Evolves: Vileplume Leaf Stone or Bellossom Sun Stone
Ability: Chlorophyll

90: Vileplume (Viel-ploom)
Type: Grass/Poison
Desc: A Gloom with a flower instead of a bud.
Evolves: Vileplume doesn't evolve
Ability: Chlorophyll

91: Bellossom (Bel-aw-sum)
Type: Grass
Desc: A Vileplume with two mini flowers on it's head and a leaf skirt.
Evolves: Bellossom doesn't evolve
Ability: Chlorophyll

92: Doduo (Doe-Doo-oh)
Type: Normal/Flying
Desc: A 2 headed, brown ostrich.
Evolves: Dodrio lv 31
Ability: Run Away/Early Bird

93: Dodrio (Doe-Dree-oh)
Type: Normal/Flying
Desc: A 3 headed dark brown ostrich
Evolves: Dodrio doesn't evolve
Ability: Run Away/Early Bird

94: Roselia (Row-zee-lee-a)
Type: Grass/Poison
Desc: A plant thing with Flower Hands and a 'leaf skirt'.
Evolves: Roselia doesn't evolve
Ability: Natural Cure/Poison Point

95: Gulpin (Gull-pin)
Type: Poison
Desc: A Green Balloon with arms, legs, a mouth, and eyes.  Has a yellow feather on it's head.
Evolves: Swalot lv 26
Ability: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold

96: Swalot (Swa-lot)
Type: Poison
Desc: A Purple Gulpin without the feather, but 2 string things by his mouth.
Evolves: Swalot doesn't evolve
Ability: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold

97: Carvanha (Kar-vaun-hah)
Type: Water/Dark
Desc: A blue, red, and yellow fish.
Evolves: Sharpedo lv 30
Ability: Rough Skin

98: Sharpedo (Shar-pee-doe)
Type: Water/Dark
Desc: A half-Shark.
Evolves: Sharpedo doesn't evolve
Ability: Rough Skin

99: Wailmer (Wayl-mer)
Type: Water
Desc: A fat, blue whale.
Evolves: Wailord lv 40
Ability: Water Veil/Oblivious

100: Wailord (Wayl-ord)
Type: Water
Desc: A huge, blue, whale.
Evolves: Wailord doesn't evolve
Ability: Water Veil/Oblivious

101: Numel (Noo-mel)
Type: Fire/Ground
Desc: A one-humped, yellow and green candle.
Evolves: Camerupt lv 33
Ability: Oblivious

102: Camerupt (Cam-er-upt)
Type: Fire/Ground
Desc: A red camel with 2 mini volcanoes for humps.
Evolves: Camerupt doesn't evolve
Ability: Magma Armor

103: Slugma (Slug-mah)
Type: Fire
Desc: A bunch of lava put together to make a lava slug.
Evolves: Magcargo lv 38
Ability: Magma Armor/Flame Body

104: Magcargo (Mahg-car-goh)
Type: Fire/Rock
Desc: A Slugma with hardened lava as a shell.
Evolves: Magcargo doesn't evolve
Ability: Magma Armor/Flame Body

105: Torkoal (Tor-coal)
Type: Fire
Desc: A turtle squirting out smoke.
Evolves: Torkoal doesn't evolve
Ability: White Smoke

106: Grimer (Gry-mer)
Type: Poison
Desc: A blop of goo with arms, eyes, and a mouth.
Evolves: Muk lv 38
Ability: Stench/Sticky Hold

107: Muk (Muk)
Type: Poison
Desc: A bigger Grimer holding up his middle finger.
Evolves: Muk doesn't evolve
Ability: Stench/Sticky Hold

108: Koffing (Kaw-fing)
Type: Poison
Desc: A mini, purple moon with a skull painted on it.
Evolves: Weezing lv 35
Ability: Levitate

109: Weezing (Wee-zing)
Type: Poison 
Desc: Koffing with a medium and small 'purple moon' attached to it.
Evolves: Weezing doesn't evolve
Ability: Levitate

110: Spoink (Spoynk)
Type: Psychic
Desc: A pig head with a spring as legs, and an orb in-between its' ears.
Evolves: Grumpig lv 32
Ability: Thick Fat/Own Tempo

111: Grumpig (Grum-pig)
Type: Psychic
Desc: A Pig.
Evolves: Grumpig doesn't evolve
Ability: Thick Fat/Own Tempo

112: Sandshrew (Sand-shroo) 
Type: Ground
Desc: A Yellow mouse made out of bricks.  
Evolves: Sandslash lv 22
Ability: Sand Veil

113:Sandslash (Sand-slash)
Type: Ground
Desc: Sandshrew with spikes
Evolves: Sandslash doesn't evolve
Ability: Sand Veil

114:Spinda (Spin-duh)
Type: Normal
Desc: A teddy bear with reddish spots.
Evolves: Spinda doesn't evolve
Ability: Own tempo

115:Skarmory (Skar-mer-ee)
Type: Steel/Flying
Desc: A Silver Bird.
Evolves: Skarmory doesn't evolve
Ability: Keen Eye/Sturdy

116:Trapinch (Tra-pinch)
Type: Ground
Desc: A Big headed orange demented dog.
Evolves: Vibrava  lv 35
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Arena Trap

117:Vibrava (Vie-brah-va)
Type: Ground/Dragon
Desc: A brown insect with green wings.
Evolves: Flygon lv 45
Ability: Levitate

118: Flygon (Flie-gun)
Type: Ground/Dragon
Desc: Vibrava except has a tail and is all green except a few parts.
Evolves: Flygon doesn't evolve
Ability: Levitate

119: Cacnea (Kak-nee)
Type: Grass
Desc: A Cactus with Eyes, mouth, etc.,
Evolves: Cacturne lv 32
Ability: Sand Veil

120: Cacturne (Kak-tern)
Type: Grass/Dark
Desc: A Cactus Scarecrow.
Evolves: Cacturne doesn't evolve
Ability: Sand Veil

121: Swablu (Swah-bloo)
Type: Normal/Flying
Desc: A blue bird with cloud wings.
Evolves: Altaria lv 35
Ability: Natural Cure

122: Altaria (All-tar-ee-uh)
Type: Dragon/Flying
Desc: A Blue bird in some clouds.
Evolves: Altaria doesn't evolve
Ability: Natural Cure

123: Zangoose (Zayn-goos)
Type: Normal
Desc: A monster with many scars.
Evolves: Zangoose doesn't evolve
Ability: Immunity

124: Seviper (Seh-vie-pur)
Type: Poison
Desc: A Snake.
Evolves: Seviper doesn't evolve
Ability: Shed Skin

125: Lunatone (Loo-nuh-tone)
Type: Rock/Psychic
Desc: A moon.
Evolves: Lunatone doesn't evolve
Ability: Levitate

126: Solrock (Soul-rok)
Type: Rock/Psychic
Desc: A weird sun.
Evolves: Solrock doesn't evolve
Ability: Levitate

127:Barboach (Bar-boach)
Type: Water/Ground
Desc: A Shrimp.
Evolves: Whiscash lv 30 
Ability: Oblivious

128:Whiscash (Wiz-cash)
Type: Water/Ground
Desc: A whale thing.
Evolves: Whiscash doesn't evolve
Ability: Oblivious

129: Corpish (Kor-pish)
Type: Water
Desc: A lobster.
Evolves: Crawdaunt lv 30
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

130: Crawdaunt (Craw-dawnt)
Type: Water/Dark
Desc: A lobster with a starfish on it's forehead.
Evolves: Crawdaunt doesn't evolve
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor

131: Baltoy (Ball-toy)
Type: Ground /Psychic
Desc: A top.
Evolves: Claydol lv 36
Ability: Levitate

132: Claydol (Clay-doll)
Type: Ground/Psychic
Desc: A weirdish bird.
Evolves: Claydol doesn't evolve
Ability: Levitate

133: Lileep (Lil-eep)
Type: Rock/Grass
Desc: A flower in a vase.
Evolves: Cradily lv 40
Ability: Suction Cups

134: Cradily (Cra-dih-lee)
Type: Rock/Grass
Desc: A plant.
Evolves: Cradily doesn't evolve
Ability: Suction Cups

135: Anorith (An-or-ith)
Type: Rock/Bug
Desc: A Scorpion.
Evolves: Armaldo lv 40
Ability: Battle Armor

136: Armaldo (Ar-mall-do)
Type: Rock/Bug
Desc: An Armadillo/Scorpion
Evolves: Armaldo doesn't evolve
Ability: Battle armor

137: Igglybuff (Ig-lee-buff)
Type: Normal
Desc: A Balloon with a face.
Evolves: Jigglypuff Friendly Evolution
Ability: Cute Charm

138: Jigglypuff (Jig-lee-puff)
Type: Normal
Desc: Igglybuff with a little less ballooniness in it.
Evolves: Wigglytuff Moon Stone
Ability: Cute Charm

139:Wigglytuff (Wig-lee-tuff)
Type: Normal
Desc: Jigglypuff with no ballooniness in it.
Evolves: Wigglytuff doesn't evolve
Ability: Cute Charm

140:Feebas (Fee-baahs)
Type: Water
Desc: A fish.
Evolves: Milotic High Beauty
Ability: Swift Swim

141:Milotic (My-low-tik)
Type: Water
Desc: A beautiful snake.
Evolves: Milotic doesn't evolve
Ability: Marvel Scale

142:Castform (Kast-Form)
Type: Normal
Desc: A weird thingy madoog.
Evolves: Castform doesn't evolve
Ability: Forecast

143: Staryu (Star-yoo)
Type: Water
Desc: A starfish.
Evolves: Starmie Water Stone
Ability: Illuminate/Natural Cure
