Pokemon Contests

    Pokemon contests are a new option in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire.  I have tried them, and in some ways, I like them better than fighting!  Now here is what you actually do.  In the Ruby and Sapphire versions, there is a new thing that Pokemon have.  I don't know what it's real name is, but for now I'll call it Pokestats.  Pokestats are like cuteness, toughness, coolness, smartness, and beautyness.  The Pokecontests are at Verdanturf, Fallarbor, Slateport, and Lilycove, and the ranks are in that order.  The judges there are judging how good the Pokestats are, but also you get to use any combination of moves 5 times.  You are up against 3 other trainers who are also determined to win, and you can guess that unless you train and give your Pokemon Pokeblocks, you'll lose.  Pokeblocks can be real handy because when you appeal, there's always a chance someone will screw you up with a move, but if in the Preliminary results you do real good, (the preliminary results are the how good your Pokestats are) it won't matter.  Look at the effects of some moves, for sometimes they're bad, good, or neither.  If you use a move like explosion on the last turn, you don't miss an appeal because it's the end.  One of my opponents did it once, but luckily, I still won.  I have done it, and I unluckily lost. Also, a tip: fire moves have great appeals all of the time, and are usually beauty type.  If you enter a cool contest, make sure the Pokemon you enter knows cool type moves, at least 2, and vice versa. 


