Pokemon Opal Walkthrough

This is my own made up game and basically a fake walkthrough.  I do think that you may like it but don't get the idea that I am certain Japan even has a new version coming out, or if it is, if it will come to the U.S.  Plus, it is impossible to have an opal version.  I hope you get what I mean, and don't blabber to everyone you know that there will be this version and telling them everything about it.  It would really annoy me because people all over will be like, "There's really going to be an Opal version?"  It really would put me under pressure, so DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

There is a TV on.  Apparently, Team Razor has stolen some Pokemon from a foreign island, but they drop them just as they're flying over Hoenn.  A bridge has been made across to Johto and Kanto, so they're going there too!  Your mom sees and tells you to go out and tell your neighbor, Prof. Maple.  He is very surprised, and asks you if you would like a Pokemon for yourself so you can catch them too.  He gives you either a Rehtils, Firowl, or a Seeow.  Hopefully, after playing all of those other Pokemon games (if you have) you should have a type you go with.  Mine is personally grass. (Unless there is a chicken Poke'mon)  He will give you the Pokemon, and give you some items, some will come later.  First, your rival, _b_l_a_n_k_ Maple, comes in and introduces his or her self, and challenges you to a battle.  If you say yes, not only will your rival give you 10 Pokéballs, but you get exp. points (duh)!  If you refuse, you only get 5 Pokéballs, plus, you don't get any exp. points.  Prof. Maple will give you Pokédex, Pokénav, and a cellphone.    
