Opal Version
    This is like my own made up version-new pokemon, items, moves, etc.  I hope you enjoy it!
If you would like to see the types I made for the Opal version, please go right ahead!  For all other Subjects you should come here FIRST!  If you don't, most others will be confusing.  If you wish to go here, click this hyperlink: Types



If you would like to see some moves I've made up for the Opal version, click on this.  I may end up putting in an old move like Strength but change the type, or even a teeny effect.  If you look at this section, it might be a good idea to look at types to see my types first so that you'll know what the types are.  If you wish to go here, click this hyperlink: Moves    

If you would like to see some Pokemon I've invented, you're in luck!  I've got many Pokemon, but unfortunately, I don't have pictures.  Hopefully, from my descriptions, you can get an image of what it really looks like.  I hope it's not too tough for you to figure out, but I'll do the best I can to keep and eye on my descriptions, so if I don't think they're good enough, I'll change them.  If you wish to see this section, click this hyperlink: Pokemon 
If you would like to see the new items I am putting in the Opal version, visit this section.  I have only new items or, as said in the moves summary, old items with a changed affect.  This would be a great place to go, and although it's last on the list, it's actually something you could go to before Types unless I get an item in there that involves types.  If you have your own items that you think would fit in Opal version, please e-mail me and I'll post it(my address is on the homepage).  If you wish to visit this section, click this hyperlink: Items
Normally, I would put a walkthrough to help you get through a game.  In fact, most anyone's walkthrough would be to help you get through a game.  Not this one.  You see, I have this walkthrough in Pokemon Opal for a reason.  It's a walkthrough for Pokemon Opal!  It's main purpose is to totally tell you about the game, tidbits (such as types, moves, etc.) included.  So if you were interested in the 'tidbits', read this!  If you did enjoy the 'tidbits' and are interested in reading the rest, click this hyperlink: Walkthrough       


