Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

    The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past/Four Swords is a great game.  That is why I have a Walkthrough for it. I have had lots of trouble with it, but with tidbits of help, I have gotten to Gannon and defeated him.  I still get annoyed though.  For instance, in Four Swords, I get angry at my sister (or my friends) for picking me up.  It really annoys me and I can't do anything while they're holding me.  However, I usually get back at them.  First I will lead you through A Link to the Past, and then I'll give you tips and strategies for Four Swords.

~Chapter 1:Getting Started~

    The Game starts when Link (the character you play with) is woken up by a Princess.  She says her name is Zelda, and she is in the dungeons of Hyrule Castle.  She calls for help after that.  You wake up and your father tells you to stay in bed.  He says he is going out, and not to leave the house.  Do Not Listen to him!  If you did, you would be bored to death.  So get out of bed.  If you wish to get the lantern elsewhere, leave.  If not, go to the chest.  Open it by pressing A or R.  Now you have a lantern.  You can burn bushes, kill enemies, and light torches with it.  However, if you notice, there is a green bar on the left of the screen.  That is your magic meter.  If you ever get a message after you get an item that says, 'Watch your magic meter!' it is referring to the fact that if you use that item, it will use up the meter on the side.  Eventually you will be able to make it so the items in your inventory that use magic use only half of what it usually does.  However, you haven't even left your house, so it is a long time till you get that.  Go out of your house and if you wish to see your bed somehow made, go inside.  It is magically made!  Go back out and walk around.  If you want to leave town, you're out of luck.  You can only talk to guards that guard the road out of town.  They give you tips, but they're not especially useful.  Fortunately for you, there are not any guards that you fight because you don't have a sword or a shield.  Return to your house (if you were not already there) and go north until you reach water.  Then, go left till you reach a bridge.  Go up halfway and go through the opening at the right.  Go north until you reach a single tree.  There, you will notice a bush with a light green circle around it.  Kind of suspicious, huh?  Well you can either burn it, or pick it up.  Then fall down the hole into the secret entrance to Hyrule Castle.    

~Hyrule Castle~

    Once you fall through the hole, you will be in the secret underground passage that leads to Hyrule Castle.  You will go a little bit through the passage to find...your uncle!  He gives you a sword and a shield and tells you to go on, since he is injured.  After you go upstairs, you see a chest.  If you already have a lantern, open it to get rupees.  If not, you can get the lantern here or wait.  Either way, you get rupees at your house once you have a lantern (unless you got it there), so don't get upset. After you go upstairs again, you'll be outside.  Fight if you must, and enter Hyrule Castle.  This is very hard if you aren't good at video games and especially if you have no idea where to go because of the 3 hearts you have.  So that is why I'm giving you a walkthrough.  You enter and see about 3 guards.  Kill if they attack.  Otherwise, ignore them.  Some soldiers in this place do not chase you if they see you, so take advantage of that.  Stay on the lower level and exit either at the right or left.  Enter the north door and then enter the door on the lower level.  Go down the stairs now.  You are now in a room with a chest and a blue-armored guard.  If you aren't here, go to the entrance and try this again.  Kill the guard for a small key, and open the chest to get the dungeon map.  Open and go through the locked door at the south and go down the stairs.  This part is kind of hard, because there's chasms on either side.  Try to attack the soldiers with pots because you will bounce back if you slash them with your sword.  Once you're through there, keep going.  You will see a bridge, but it's not obvious whether it's a wall, or if you can go under it.  You can go under it, as well as the guards on the other side.  Step back a little so you can see them while you battle.  After that, head through the northwestern door (the stairs are for later).  This next room has all the doors shut.  This is where one of the most important lessons is learned.  If all the doors are shut, defeat all the enemies in the room.  Since the northern door is locked, you must use the eastern door.  Once again, a guard and a chest.  Defeat the guard to get a key and open the chest to get your first dungeon treasure...the boomerang!  This can paralyze most enemies and kill weak ones.  Exit this room and enter the locked door.  Go through the door and go through the other door as well, and here we are: at the dungeon. 

~Getting the Princess to Safety~

    There should be a guard or two down in the dungeon.  Defeat them before you go any further!  If you don't, you will have a tough time destroying the "boss".  The boss is a soldier with a mace.  He will hit you every time you get near him, so hit him with the boomerang then slash away with the sword.  Or, you could charge up your sword and attack him over and over again (that's how I did it.) If you want the easy way, throw 2 pots at him.  Once he's beaten, you will get a The Big Key, which unlocks Zelda's cell!  Open Zelda's cell and open the chest for rupees if you have a lamp.  If not, you will get a lamp.  Do not skip this appearance because although you can probably get one at your house after you leave here, this is the 3rd and last appearance!  Talk to Zelda by touching her.  She is happy you saved her.  But you aren't safe yet.  You have to go to the throne room.  Now I could just say retrace your steps, but I will be nice and give you a walkthrough to make it easier.  First, you must go back through the door, then through another door, then up the stairs and through the doorway.  Go straight to the southern entrance.  Now this room has a shortcut.  I told you the stairs were for later.  Climb up the stairs and keep going until you get to a dead end.  Once you are there, jump off the northern ledge, climb up the stairs, and go through the door.  Go straight through the door.  Go through the right door, (you can use the left but it's easier to use one) go through the southern door, and go to the western door.  Go up the stairs and through the northern door.  Go straight till you get to the thingy.   Once you're there, push the thing out of the way from the left (with the help of Zelda.) When you go through, you will be in the sewers (or close to it anyway.)  In this room, you can walk straight to the door, or you can light the braziers.  Either way, watch out for mice, snakes and bats in this whole place.  Once you get through the door, you can go to the next door.  Before I go further, you have a path to choose.  Either light the braziers or not.  Once you decide, go to the right and open the chest to get a key.  Open the door, go through, and go straight to the next door.  Once again, through the next door.  Here it's a miracle: you actually have to do something.  Kill all the enemies in the room because one has a key.  If you find the key before you kill all of them, then open the locked door right away.  Once you get the key, open the door and go through. (Later: Once you get the power glove and bombs, go to the graveyard, go in front of the most northwestern grave and pick up the rocks.  Push the grave and fall through.  You'll be in this room.  Bomb a cracked wall and go through to get lots of treasures.)    There Zelda will be safe and she thanks you.  This is a little weird, right?  You haven't really done anything and you have rescued Zelda?  

~Chapter 2: The Kakariko Village and Sahasrala~

    Go out of the sanctuary and go south.  Then, go west till you reach a red house.  Then go south to the Kakariko village.  There, you will get many things.  First, visit the blue house in the center of the town.  There, you get the bug catching net, but you can catch other things with it too.  Next, visit the old green house at the top of town.  You will learn some interesting and important information by talking to the guy in there.  He tells you that leader of the thieves who lived there was Blind and he hated light.  This info is so important because Blind will be a boss later on.  Now you can go downstairs.  There, you will find some rupees (money) which come in green, blue, and red.  Green is one rupee, blue is five, and red is twenty.  Next, go to the Man sitting outside with what look like pots.  If you have 100 rupees, then you're in luck.  If not, go to the cliff not too far from the man.  go over to where the green rimmed hole is (make sure you are still on the cliff) and jump off into the hole.  There, you will find rupees and bombs, and if you still don't have enough rupees, then slash through bushes, or you could talk to ladies out side of their houses.  They will call for guards saying you're "the wanted man"( that is because people think you kidnapped Zelda) and you can defeat the guards to get rupees.  Once you have enough, go and buy a bottle.  In  these you can put bees, fairies, and potions.  Then, you can go south past the long, brown sign and find three houses.  the closest one, the house of books, has a green book, but you need the Pegasus Boots to knock it off the shelf.   The next closest is one with a guy and three chests.  If you need rupees, it might be a nice place to go.  Although you have to pay rupees to open a chest, sometimes you get lots of rupees.  The long red house has a guy saying he sealed his brothers room up.  If you happen to have picked up some bombs, then bomb the cracking wall and go out the door on the other side.  Talk  to the lady and start racing.  If you can't beat 15 seconds no matter what, then screw it.  Once you have the Pegasus Boots you can easily beat it.  If you do beat it, you get a piece of heart.  If you get three more, you get an extra heart on your health at the top of the screen.  Then, go north back to the whole village of houses together.  Go to the second row of houses, and then the bug catching kids house but don't go inside.  Then go south through the hole in the hedge and go inside the house the back way.  Pick up the pots and under one will be a bottle!  Then go back to the green house and go inside the red house beside it.  Talk to the lady and she will tell you about Sahasrala, who has not been seen for a long time.  After that, leave the village (make sure you have both bottles and the other items) by going south again.  Once you reach the big clump of bushes that look like a deformed arrow, go east.  Once you reach the wall, go north.  Then, once you reach the 2 sets of 6 bushes near each other, go east and stay east along the path till you reach a bridge.  Go north onto the bridge and once you are off go east till you reach some trees.  Then go north and keep on going till you reach a wall.  Dodge it and go north till  you have jumped off of a ledge and go inside the house.  Sahasrala is there, and he tells you about the Master Sword and the Pendant quest. 

~Chapter 3: The East Palace~

    Find your way to the entrance and go in.  Once you enter, go in the middle path and pick up the pot.  Then, throw it to reveal...a switch!  Step on it and go across the bridge, stepping on the switch at the lower left corner while you are at it.  Go through the door.  There is a room full of flying bubbles, and they can be fatal.  Start going through and every time there is a notch, go in it because you never know when a huge bubble will come.  Once you pass that obstacle, go to the next room.  You see a big chest on the lower level, which you cannot open yet.  For those of you who are not familiar with these dungeons, in every dungeon in this game there is a big key which opens a big chest.  In the chest, there is a treasure.  From weapons to important items, armor to helpful items, these chests will always have an interesting item.  This dungeon has a bow, and the arrows come with it.  But first, you have to get the big key.  Hit the switch on the left and go through the door.  Ignore the skeletons in this room, and go to the next room.  The skeletons are immune to the boomerang, and when you slash at them, they jump.  Corner them, and slash till they're dead.  Continue on, and open the chest.  Go to the next room, and press A when you are next to the tile.  The Elder talks to you.  Then move on.  You need to hit the switch to open the door at the right, then go in. One of the pots at the right
holds a small key. Get it, and return to the previous room. Go around
and use the key to go through the locked door at the left. Go to the next room.  Destroy the Cyclops by picking up a jar and when it's eye is fully open, throw it.  Pick up the jar in the middle of the room and hit the switch.  Get the big key and trace your steps to the room with the big chest.  Open it to get the bow, and kill the skeletons that fall down.  Then, go through the locked door right behind the big chest.  Defeat the Cyclops to get a key, then go to the top left hand corner.  Pick up the pot and go through the locked door up the stairs.  Throw away the bottom-left pot to reveal a switch, then step on it to open the door. Continue to the next room. Try out your bow and arrows on these Cyclops. It only takes a single arrow to the eye to take him
out. Hit the switch at the bottom, then proceed...oh great!  More Bubbles!  Hit the upper-left switch and go on.  Kill the skeletons.  To kill the red Cyclops, hit him with two arrows in the eye.  In every dungeon, if you see a patterned floor by a door and it looks like a bull skull or something of the sort, it is time to fight the boss! 

~Boss #1: Armos Knights~

 This boss is the Armos Knights.  You can defeat them with any weapon, but arrows are the best, so if you don't have at least 25 arrows, you might not want to fight the boss.  But if you do, I strongly suggest you go on and use arrows.  Go on through the door.  The Armos Knights will not attack you, but they will dance around in patterns.  Wait until they are all at the top of the screen, then hit them with arrows.  I think it takes 3 arrows to kill one Armos Knight.  When all but one are defeated, the last one will turn red and try to squish you.  Shoot him when he lands, and when you defeat him you get the Pendant of Courage and an extra heart in your health meter.  You will automatically teleport out.

~Some Side-Quests~
         Getting the Pegasus Boots

    First, go to Sahasrala.  He will give you the Pegasus Boots for finding the Pendant of Courage.

                                            Getting the Book of Mudora

Go back to the house with the green book (the one south of the Kakariko village.  Run into the shelf and you will be able to grab the book of Mudora.  You need it to enter the Desert Palace in the Desert of Mystery, which is next.  Don't leave the house of books yet though- the Desert of Mystery is close.

The Ice Rod Sidequest
Note: this is optional at this point, but you will need to do it eventually, and why wait?

This is an easy sidequest.  Simply go south of your house into the swamp (follow the directions under this to get there) and keep going south until you see a tan-ish/yellow-ish area.  Go down there, and follow it without jumping in the water until you reach grass.  You should see a cave opening.  Don't go in there, use a bomb to crack the wall to the left of it.  Go in, and keep going until you find a chest, which should contain the ice rod.  Backtrack from here into the swamp to follow the rest of the walkthrough.

~Chapter 4: The Desert of Mystery~

Follow the path from the house of Books till you reach your house.  Go south till you reach 3 statues close to each other, fighting any enemies in the process.  Then go west till you reach a wall, then south till you see an opening.  Go left  now.  At the small part you're at now, there are 3 things.  1 of which you can make use out of, 1 you can sort of make use out of, and 1 you have to get the Desert Palace's treasure for.  The first is a semi-fairy fountain.  Real fairy fountains have small fairies that you can catch.  This has a big fairy that heals you.  The second is a guy with a sign next to him.  The sign says, "I am just an average guy.  Do not bother me.  DO NOT remove this sign."  He's actually a talented lock pick who will open a purple chest later on.  If you like to have a 'partner' who yells at you lots and won't let you go anyplace, help yourself to his sign.  Destroy it any way you want.  But trust me, it's not fun! To get rid of him, save and quit the game, or just walk around until the screen moves (you know what I mean)  The third is a big rock.  Under it is some steps.  In there is a place with a guy and 10 pots.  Each Pot has a blue rupee under it (Major Dough!)  Also, you can take them once, then head out and go right back in.  The Rupees reappear! (MAJOR Dough!)
If you go west, eventually, you'll  find desert like land.  Go north west till you reach a huge platform.  A slab that looks like a grave is there.  Using the Book of Mudora, read the inscription.  It says something about opening up the palace.  Link (or whatever your name is) will automatically do it and clear the way.  Walk in the Statue's 'mouth' to begin your quest for the second pendant.

  ~The Desert Palace~

In this dungeon, there are 3 new enemies.  There are these spinning flower-like things.  They come out of the ground, so always keep an eye out for them.  Another one is a fairy-like thing, but it's not a good guy.  It comes in this giant mud hole and if you touch the hole, you'll start to get sucked in.  If you want to kill them, I suggest you use arrows.  The third and most difficult enemy is a laser-shooting statue.  You can't kill it and if it's 'eye' sees you, it shoots a powerful laser at you.  Not only does it hurt you, but the laser pushes you far, which can be annoying if it does it to you multiple times in a row.  But now to get started on the dungeon.  Go north till you reach a laser statue (it's green) and then go left.  Then go north when you reach a wall and right when you reach a wall.  Go north but don't go through the door in front of you yet.  Go west till you see another door and now go in it.  You should now see a small room with a laser statue, 4 torches, and a triangle thing on the wall.  The northwestern torch has a small key on it!  Go on the north wall and match yourself with the torch.  Using the Pegasus boots, ram into the torch to grab the key.  Then get out of the room before the statue sees you and go east till you get to that door you saw earlier.  If you want the dungeon map, go in and open the trunk, but personally, I think the map and compass are pretty useless unless you have lots of trouble. (no offense to all of you out there who use the map) It's useless especially if you're using any walkthrough, so I'd suggest skipping it.    Keep going left till you reach a wall, then south and maneuver around the wall that's sticking out.  Go through the locked door with your key.  In this room there's a chest.  Defeat the bad guys to open the door.  Open the chest to get the compass (if you wish) and go through the door.  The evil bubbles strike again!  I'm sure you remember those bubbles from the East Palace?  Well, They've returned!  Use the Pegasus Boots to run to the top.  Open the chest to get the Big Key!  Go out all the way (into the main room) and head all the way to the left.  Go through the northern most door on the west wall.  Avoid the statue's gaze.  Pick up the northwest pot to get a switch.  Go through the door.  Open the big chest to find...the Power gloves!  You know all those light green stones?  You can pick them up, just not the dark green stones.  You can even pick up large light green stones!  Now you can open the big rock where the rupees reappear! (refer to Chapter 4: The Desert of Mystery)  Now you are done with this section of the dungeon; onto the next and final part.  Go south out of this room, and then east out of the next.  Now that you're back in the big room, go to the most southwestern door.  Go through it.  Dodge the laser statue and push the third block from the left down.  The door behind you should open to a fairy fountain.  If you have a bottle (which you should) then you can use your bug-catching net to catch one.  Catch one to put in each of your bottles; they may come in handy later in this dungeon, or you can save them for another one.  Heal yourself with another (if you need to exit the room and re-enter to get as many as possible in bottles and to heal yourself, then you can).  Exit the fairy fountain and go south through the door.  You should be outside.  Walk down the stairs and go north, then east until you see a green patch with a cave opening.  With your new item, pick up a small green stone and enter the cave.  Another laser statue-watch out!  Push the southern-most block on the right side any direction to open the next door.  As soon as you enter this door, go for the pot in the southwest corner and grab the key there.  Make a run for the locked door-tiles will fly at you.  Walk across the bridge into the next room and kill the enemies to open the door-all except for the laser statue, which is indestructible.  Run to the line of pots in this room and grab the one second from the right, third from the left, and nab the key.  More flying tiles-grab the key under the northeastern pot and go through the door.  Destroy the red Cyclops in this room with two arrows.  Then, using your lamp, light the braziers (lantern things) in the room to make the wall extend, revealing to door to the Boss: Lanmolas.  You can beat these guys with just about anything, but if you grabbed the Ice Rod in the sidequest earlier, (see The Ice Rod Sidequest for more details) then that is suggested.  Basically, they are big worms that will fly out of the ground.  If you are using a sword, wait until you see a hole and then charge your sword over it.  They will get hit when they come up.  As for bombs, place the bomb right on the holes when you see them.  Arrows and Ice Rod; you have to aim.  There are three of them-not that hard.  Once you beat them you have gotten the second pendant; The Pendant of Power.


